JMK Genealogy Gifts Store Offers Great Reasons Why Everyone Should Take Up Genealogy:
Genealogy buffs are passionate about their hobby but many outsiders just don't understand what it is that drives them. "Some folks look at you in a strange way when you tell them you do genealogy" says Jimmy Kavanagh founder of the store " ...they have an impression that genealogy research can be a bit dull and dry. We try to show everyone that genealogy enthusiasts also have a sense of fun."
JMK Genealogy Gifts are constantly looking at ways to promote family history and, to help they have introduced a new theme at their store "Why People Really Do Genealogy." "We thought we would do a funny take on what gets people started in the first place," explained Mr. Kavanagh. The result is two new designs which help to justify why you too should take up family history.