These 3 camels stood staring at the crowds wondering what was going on.

The red panda took one look at the crowd and decided it was time to skee-daddle.

This lioness wasn't intimidated by the crowd.
She took a leisurely stroll around her pen and pretended we didn't exist.

The crowds thinned out as the walk continued.
Families got caught up in watching the animals
and lost track of the groups they came with.

This guy wasn't impressed either. I'll bet you can't guess who he is.
He's Przewalski's Horse AKA Asian Wild Horse (Equus przewalskii).
Seriously, he must have been named for a Pole who discovered him or something. This species is extinct in the wild but 700 zoos around the world have an active breeding program hoping to someday re-populate the native Asian lands they came from.

Now here's someone who found us fascinating.
This prairie dog was suitably impressed with the crowd around his home.

This highly intelligent, clever, and handsome
fellow is just what you would expect...
A Michigan Wolverine! Go Blue!

Oh my, my, my...
He's looking intently at something,
like he's ready to devour it.
Must be a Buckeye Nut!

This peahen looked totally clueless while the flamingos looked totally bored with us.
The event was well attended and a good time was had by all the participants. Still, I hope and pray that there will be no need for the event to happen next year because a cure has been found for Alzheimer's disease.
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