Amber at "Galeria"
On Sunday, November 5, at 3:30 pm, the Orchard Lake "Galeria" will host a meeting with Patti Rice who will give a presentation on Polish amber. She will also introduce her new book "Amber: Golden Gem of the Ages".
The book describes the Baltic amber industry which has utilized amber as a gem stone throughout the ages. It also describes a variety of fossil resins, their characteristics and locations. It includes the most recent research and directs other researchers to sources such as the internet and publications.
It also includes illustrations and descriptions of outstanding amber artists as well as the leading scientists studying amber as a fossil resin.
The original version of this book was considered a definitive work and a reference for other amber researchers and scientists. In the late 1980s modern scientific equipment revolutionized the thinking about amber. The fossil insects were studied to reveal information about evolution of the fauna and flora of prehistoric times.
The new edition of the book includes descriptions of work of David Grimaldi, Rob DeSalle, George Poinar, and Raul Cano, pioneers in DNA research from amber fossils.
The meeting at the "Galeria" will be accompanied by a special Polish amber exhibition and a chance to purchase the book. A portion of the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Friends of Polish Art, who is organizing this event.
Also on the beautiful campus of Orchard Lake St. Mary's on November 5th is Mass in Polish at the Chapel (1:00 pm) followed by a lunch featuring traditional Polish foods in the cafeteria. The Art Galeria, museums and bookstore will be open. Orchard Lake St. Mary's campus is located at 3535 Indian Trail, Orchard Lake, MI 48324.
**Note: I have heard Patti Rice speak on Polish amber before and she gives a very interesting presentation. She will also bring along some wonderful pieces (mostly jewelry) to show. Count on the women in the audience to come decked out in layers of their own amber jewelry. If you appreciate amber jewelry you don't want to miss this event!
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