After Eighty-Three years of active ministry within the Archdiocese of Detroit, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish will close her doors and merge with Transfiguration Parish to form one Parish family. Please accept our invitations to offer a Concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 29th at 1:30 o'clock at Our Lady Help of Christians Church - and - later that afternoon, to join us at The Barrister House, 21810 Harper Avenue at Eight and Half Mile Road at 4:00 o'clock for a Memory Banquet. To be prepared, we ask the courtesy of a response no later than October 15. Current registered parishioners will receive Complimentary Dinner Tickets. Dinner tickets for other guests will be sent upon receipt of $25.00 per guest (make checks payable to O L H C Parish). Members of Transfiguration and St. Ladislaus Parishes are also invited to attend the Mass of Thanksgiving and the Memory Banquet - dinner tickets may be reserved by calling M. Kijek at 1 313 891-6459.It's always a sad day when a Catholic church closes. This one will be sorely missed by Detroit's Polish community.
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