The latest edition of the Carnival of Genealogy has been posted at the footnoteMaven's blog. The topic for this edition was Moral or Legal Dilemmas in Genealogy and Genea-blogging, and Maven did a fabulous job of putting it together. As always, I'm impressed with the variety of well written articles submitted by the participants.
It felt good to me to be able to give voice to a dilemma that's been nagging me for some time now. And I'd like to say a special thank you to Nikki-ann, Bobbie, Robert, and Terry for their thoughtful and kind words of advice.
And now it's time for the Call for Submissions! The topic for the 30th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy will be: Genealogical Conferences/Seminars. Just to get you thinking, here are some things you might want to write about. Have you been to a conference you really enjoyed? Is there one you attend every year? Which would you recommend to others and why? Is there one you've always wanted to attend but couldn't? If you could design the "dream conference", what sessions would you have in it? Have you been on a genealogy cruise? What are your pet peeves regarding genealogy conferences? Those ideas should be good for a blog post or two but don't feel limited to them. If you've got something else to say on the subject, let's hear it! The next edition will be hosted by me here at Creative Gene and the deadline for submissions will be August 15th. You can submit your article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form.
See ya at the Carnival!