Let's see how many names I remember from my 6th grade class...
Left to right...
Row 1 (top): Mrs. Martella, Paula Davis, Marla Shooshanian, Paula Rohatynski
Row 2: Sue Johnston, don't remember, don't remember, don't remember, Mark Smith, Tina Santioni
Row 3: Esther Griffiths, Peggy Werth, Margaret Strachen, Robert Lesberance, Don Brown, Ron Carmen
Row 4: Steve Best, Donna Roesler, Judy Strahota, ME, Tim Hughes, Don Beyer
Row 5: Cynthia Motley, Diana Fugett, Mary Ann Novack, Jon Swank, John Gilmore, Ed Sedo
Row 6 (bottom): Cheryl Jackman, Debbie Skorich, Sue Hostetler, Karen White
Not too bad, I remembered 28 out of 31. Let's see, that's about 90%... wouldn't get me an A but it would probably warrant an A- on this test. That would pretty much sum up my grade school years. I wasn't a straight A student, but my GPA would have put me in the A- category.

And here I am pictured with the Service Squad. Can you find me? This time I'm standing between Donna Roesler and Judy Guinan. (Hint: I'm wearing the same jumper and checkered top.)

And to complete the story, here's a picture of the school building from "back in the day".
I lived about 4.5 blocks from my elementary school. It seems like a short walk in retrospect but it felt like a long walk during those cold Michigan winters. I liked my school and most of my teachers. I have lots of fond memories of those grade school days...