I'm excited to tell you that the movie,
Katyn, which I've written about before on this blog, has been nominated for an Academy Award under the Foreign Language Films category. This film has not been released in the U.S. as far as I know but it is creating quite a buzz none the less. Anne Applebaum, of
The New York Review of Books, has written a wonderfully thorough review of the movie which you can read
here. The same web site also has a just-for-fun poll where you can vote for your favorite Oscar nominees. If you'd like to vote for
Katyn (or any of the other nominated films) you can do so
here. I sure hope this film wins and brings attention to this very sad chapter in Polish history.
There is a very moving sculpture created in honor of those who died at
Katyn on the campus of Orchard Lake, MI. (Pictured above)
Previous posts on this topic:
Creative Gene: WWII, the Story of the Katyn Massacre Becomes a MovieCreative Gene: I See Their Faces and Wonder