I'm going to admit right up front that I don't know how (or if it's possible) to pull up the "oldest" or "youngest" people who accomplished a given event using my Legacy software. So when I decided to write about the oldest mothers and fathers on my family tree for the Carnival of Genealogy I was stumpted as to how to go about it. I used the help menu and did some searching but couldn't find a way to do it. In the end, I just clicked on the chronology of each of my direct line ancestors to see who was the oldest woman to give birth and who was the oldest to father a child. There may be indirect families with older mothers or fathers but I have too many families in my Legacy database to click on them all. So here's what I came up with...
Of my direct line ancestors, the woman who gave birth at the oldest age was my great grandmother, Karolina Furman. Karolina married Krzysztof Laska in 1883 at the age of 19. They had 6 children together, the last being born in 1911 when she was 47 years old. The child, a daughter, died the next day. At the time, Krzysztof and Karolina's 3 oldest children were married and had already given them 4 grandchildren.
Of my direct line ancestors, the man who fathered a child at the oldest age was my great grandfather, Szymon Lipa. Szymon married Ludwika Knot in 1876 at the age of 34 (she was 19). They had 11 children together, the last being born in 1900 when he was 57 years old. The child, Boleslaus Francis Lipa, lived to be 41 years old. At the time Boleslaus was born, Szymon and Ludwika's 2 oldest daughters were already married and had given them 3 grandchildren. So Boleslaus was born an uncle.
If anyone knows of a way for me to look up the oldest mothers and fathers to become parents in Legacy please leave a comment. I'd be happy to update this post with anyone else in my database that might surpass these two oldest parents.