M. Diane Rogers presents Swimsuit Edition - 74th Carnival of Genealogy - Bathing Beauties - Newdale? Manitoba Canada posted at CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt', saying, "I couldn't resist posting these two fun photographs. Both are in my 'unidentified' box but I believe they were taken near Newdale, Manitoba, Canada."
Cheri L. Hopkins presents Swimsuit Beauties? Maybe Not, But Family We Are! posted at THOSE OLD MEMORIES, saying, "My swimsuit edition entry may not win the prize for "Bathing Beauties" but they are beauties none the less! My Mom and Dad in some fun shots with stories to accompany! Enjoy..."
Evelyn Yvonne Theriault presents Carnival of Genealogy (74th Ed.) Swimsuit Issue posted at A Canadian Family, saying, "Swimming Canadian Style!"
Randy Seaver presents Genea-Musings: Family Photographs -- Post 12: Swimming Suits posted at Genea-Musings, saying, "To be a kid in the 1920s and have to wear this woolen swimsuit...and the girls were all covered up too! Bummer. One of the problems of growing up without cousins close by is that I have no embarrassing pictures of my female cousins at the beach. But they don't have any of me either, so I guess we're even!"
Richard O. Cheek presents A Rare Beauty: CoG posted at The Cheek That Doth Not Fade, saying, "The only known photograph of my mother in a swimsuit."
Jean Duncan presents Carnival of Genealogy: Swimsuit Edition posted at Stories from Aroostook County, Maine and Beyond, saying, "1911 "Bathing" at Madawaska Lake, Maine"
Kay Bauman presents Beach costumes posted at Kay B's Place.
Midge Frazel presents Bonnet Bathing Beauty posted at Granite in My Blood, saying, "Summertime in Rhode Island is a unique experience. The sights, sounds and smells of the beach makes it seem like yesterday. Bring your beach chair and bathing suit and visit with me the "Bonnet Bathing Beauty"."
Judith Richards Shubert presents A Leaky Boat Riding the Waves! posted at Genealogy Traces, saying, "My mother trusted my daddy to safely take her to shore in this leaky rowboat in the middle of a Texas lake in the 1940s. Bathing beauties? I'm sure they didn't think so."
Brett Payne presents 74th Carnival of Genealogy - Swimsuit Edition posted at Photo-Sleuth, saying, "This very late example of a tintype probably could only have come from an itinerant photographer plying his trade on the beach. The bathing suit and card mount designs place it very firmly in the mid-1930s."
Whitney Claire McKim presents Carnival of Genealogy, 74th Edition: Annual Swimsuit Edition posted at My New Chimerical Kit, saying, "I just found this photo while on a trip down to visit family in Arkansas. Unfortunately, my grandmother’s memory is failing badly and she was unable to relate the story behind it (and I’m sure it was a good one)!!! Though, I believe this photo was taken some time after my grandparents married, which would put it circa 1948/1949 or maybe a bit later. Regardless of being story-less, isn’t my grandmother a looker?!"
Thomas MacEntee presents Destination: Austin Family: Summers in "The Country" posted at Destination: Austin Family, saying, "I trace the history of the male swimsuit from my grandfather back to my great-grandfather and find out that in the cool country air of New York's Catskill Mountains you usually needed more than just swimming trunks."
Sue Edminster presents Sand Between Our Toes posted at Echo Hill Ancestors Weblog. Sue remembers the squishy sand between her toes when playing on the beach. Check out her daddy's swimsuit pic!
Linda Hughes Hiser presents Carnival of Genealogy 74th Edition--Annual Swimsuit Edition posted at Flipside, saying, "My "flapper" grand aunt on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City."
John Newmark presents Carnival of Genealogy - Swimsuit Edition - Miami - 1947 posted at Transylvanian Dutch, saying, "In 1947 both sets of my paternal great grandparents, along with children and grandchildren, went on a joint vacation in Miami."
Sheri Fenley presents 74th COG - Bathing Beauty posted at The Educated Genealogist. Sheri is such a doll! Check her out!
Jennifer Trahan presents COG: Swimsuit Edition posted at Jennifer's Genealogy Blog, saying, "Pictures of myself at swimming lessons c. 1987-1990."
Amy Coffin presents Carnival of Genealogy 74: Swimsuit Edition posted at We Tree, saying, "How many folks can say they have a picture of their great-grandmother in a bathing suit? I can! Come meet Getrude: a bathing beauty in 1930's Los Angeles."
Donna presents No Beach? No Problem! posted at What's Past is Prologue, saying, "Donna Pointkouski presents "No Beach? No Problem!" to showcase a photograph of her mother and friend as bathing beauties from 1950."
Karen Packard Rhodes presents Carnival of Genealogy 74 - Swimsuit Issue posted at Karen About Genealogy.
CindyC presents 74th Ed. of the Carnival of Genealogy... Swimsuit Edition! posted at Everything's Relative - Researching Your Family History.
Caroline Pointer presents Family Stories: Swimsuit Edition posted at Family Stories, saying, "This is a family story of a "side-trip" on the Guadalupe River in the Hill Country in Texas." Guaranteed to make you giggle!
Denise Olson presents Beauty Queens posted at Moultrie Creek, saying, "Swim suits were a summer fact of life in Florida before the days of air-conditioning. We spent more time in bathing suits than anything else."
Jasia presents A Gallery of Swimsuit Pictures posted at Creative Gene. Well, I tried. I made a great effort to share a whole gallery of swimsuit pictures with you but it didn't come out quite the way I envisioned. I've got one good one to share with you though!
Valerie C. presents Monday Memories - At the Beach posted at Begin with 'Craft', saying, "My Mom provides a story to go along with photos of a family beach trip."
Janet Iles presents Janet the researcher: 2009 swimsuit edition of the Carnival of Genealogy posted at Janet the researcher, saying, "Five year old Janet is seen at the beach, wondering whether she should go in the water to fill up her watering can."
Geniaus presents Carnival of Genealogy, 74th Edition Annual Swimsuit Edition posted at Geniaus, saying, "Memories of summer holidays in Ettalong, NSW."
Greta Koehl presents 74th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy: Annual Swimsuit Edition posted at Greta's Genealogy Bog, saying, "I was only able to come up with a single beach picture (or at least, only one that I am allowed to post), and it does not even involve swim suits. But I love this picture of two sweet and proper Southern ladies at the beach."
Becky Wiseman presents kinexxions: Sorry, no bathing beauties here! posted at kinexxions, saying, "Just having fun in the summertime... enjoying the simple pleasures of life as a kid."
Vickie Everhart presents COG Swimsuit Edition :: At the beach . . . posted at .: BeNotForgot :: begotten & ne'er forgotten :., saying, "It is doubtful that the Texas-born cowboy named Robert Henry had ever seen the ocean before joining the Navy in Dallas, TX in 1927. But here you will see him enjoying the beach on the New England coastline with his wife and baby son. These photos of my maternal grandparents et al are from a collection of images from the 1920s and 1930s. They are presumed to have been taken at Lynn Beach in Essex County, Massachusetts."
footnoteMaven presents Under The Boardwalk, Down By The Sea posted at footnoteMaven, saying, "The bathing suits in which you dress. Are nothing much and mostly less. And as you saunter to and fro, a lot of family traits they show."
Diane presents Bathing beauty???? posted at Attic Treasures. Great period photo here and I'll bet it will make you smile!
That concludes this edition of the COG. Wasn't it a fun and funny carnival?! The swimsuit edition is one of my favorites. I've been looking forward to it for months now and it didn't disappoint. I hope you're all psyched for a summer of beach fun now! (Camera in hand of course ;-)
Time for a change of pace. Call for Submissions! The COG topic for July 1 is “Justice and Independence ”. Since our beginnings as a nation, the United States of America has seen changes with every year, every decade, and every century. Each generation adds growth to our lives, our communities, and our nation. One thing that has never changed, however, is our desire for Justice for those who wrong us and Independence from those who try to oppress us. This month’s COG asks you to relate to these concepts of Justice and Independence in one or all of three ways: 1). Tell a story of an ancestor(s) who fought for freedom. 2). Tell a story about how Independence Day was celebrated by your ancestors. Did any of their celebratory traditions get passed down for your own family to continue? Or 3). Post the lyrics of a song that exemplifies how Justice and Independence have worked in the lives of your ancestors and/or family. Include photos! This edition of the COG will be hosted by Colleen at OMcHodoy (thanks Colleen!). Deadline for submissions is July 1.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form. Please use a descriptive phrase in the title of any articles you plan to submit and/or write a brief description/introduction to your articles in the "comment" box of the blogcarnival submission form. This will give readers an idea of what you've written about and hopefully interest them in clicking on your link. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
I love the COG poster, thanks fM!
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