Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Michigan History Blogs

Denise Olsen over at Family Matters has issued a challenge to other genea-bloggers. She's asking us to spotlight local or family history blogs from our area. I've tried before to find Michigan history blogs and I've got to say, they are few and far between. Many of the ones listed with Google are no longer active. Chris' blogfinder doesn't come up with much either, besides blogs authored by Jessica, Cheryl, and myself.

It's not that people aren't blogging about Michigan, they're just not blogging about Michigan's history. Many cities/towns in our state have blogs on their web sites but they tend to write mostly about current events and issues and only occasionally sprinkle in a historical article. There are some nice Michigan photo blogs but they too tend to be focused on current rather than historic photos.

That said, here's what I've come up with:
Ann Arbor District Library-Local History Blog
Bay City Michigan History
The Polish Pioneers of Calumet Michigan
Studio Photographers Serving Detroit's Pol Ams 1875-1950
Michigan Civil War Blog

If you know of any Michigan history blogs or blogs authored by Michigan genea-historians that I've missed, please let me know. I'll be happy to add them here.