I'm in a mellow mood this morning. We had our first snowfall over night. It was nothing more than a dusting on rooftops and the grass really, but it was enough to get me in the mood for making Christmas gifts and cards. I'm listening to a recording of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" on iTunes and planning out my week. Let's see...
- Monday: Make a set of ornaments for my mother-in-law featuring the grandchildren (last year's set included her parents, her wedding, and her children).
- Tuesday: Make calendars (including the birth dates and anniversaries of the ancestors of course!).
- Wednesday: Design this year's Christmas card that our family will send out.
- Thursday: Put together a photo book about my daughter's first cat, Circe.
- Friday: Catch up day to finish up whatever projects didn't get done Mon-Fri.
The snow flurries are flying. Most of the trees have lost their leaves and are looking forlorn. Halloween is behind us. The best part of autumn has passed and it's time to shift gears and get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Who else is working on holiday projects this week?

From the Peanuts free online library at Comics.com.