Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Finally Slowing Down

The hectic pace I've been maintaining for the past few months is coming to an end, and none too soon! Whew! Who knew rehabing a condo in 10 weekends could be so much work?! I'm not done mind you, but I'm taking a much needed break for the summer months.

That means I'll have more time for blogging :-) And more time for genealogy research :-) And more time for history lessons :-) And more time for making family history of the fun sort! :-D

In addition to writing more for this blog, I've also started a new blog about the St. Joseph and the southwest Michigan area. Part diary, part discovery, it will include reviews, reactions, reflections, suggestions, and lots of my photography. My new blog is called, Discover St. Joseph, and I invite you to stop by for a visit and say hello!

I've always done a good bit of my blogging on the weekends. That's why it's been so quiet here lately. I should have more time for blogging now... I just have to work out some convenient internet access from St. Joe and I'll be good to go.

Memorial Weekend has passed and summer has started, let the fun begin!