Sunday, January 29, 2006

In Search of the Dead

(Circe, my kitty)

I spent all day yesterday doing more research for my book. I started off at Mt. Olivet Cemetery where I was about 50% successful in finding the people I was looking for. Though I would have liked to have found them all, I’m satisfied with what I have. I managed to find the grave sites and photographed the stones for all but the one who didn’t have a headstone. I’ll have to do some real digging to find the other folks because I know they weren’t buried at Sacred Heart of Mary or Mt. Elliott cemeteries either. Perhaps next week I’ll check out Holy Cross Cemetery. That would be my next guess.

After my research at the cemetery, I went back to the Detroit Public Library for more research in the City Directories. Spent a good couple hours there and got what I needed. Ran out of time (OK, I got so wrapped up in my research that I forgot I was having company for dinner until they called me on my cell phone to say they were on their way over!) so I didn’t get to look for an obituary I was hoping to find in the newspaper. That means another trip to the DPL :-7

I did find a date of death for Felix Jaruga last Thursday. Friday I sent to the City of Detroit Health Dept for a copy of his death certificate. Hopefully I’ll get it by the end of next week or early the following week. I still haven’t gotten the marriage certificate I sent for (to the State of Michigan) back in mid November. I’m getting a little worried about that one. And I hate all the waiting. In spite of the fact that I’ve been doing genealogical research for ten years now, I still get impatient waiting for information.

My husband is almost finished reading the manuscript of Conquering Foxman. I gave my daughter a copy yesterday. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say. I’ve found so many new details since I wrote my first draft that it has me wondering if the next revision will resemble the first! The new details have changed the story quite a bit. It will certainly be a challenge to re-write it.

I took 92 photos yesterday. Ninety of them were of gravestones or city directory pages. No real challenges there. It’s raining outside right now. Today probably won’t be a good day for taking photos. Hopefully the weather will be better next weekend. I’m hoping to get some photos of the Motown Winter Blast and the NFL Experience. We’ll see.