Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What do you mean Christmas is over?

I can't believe it. Here it is the evening of December 26th and I still can't believe it's really over. Christmas is past and I missed it. Entirely. Every bite, gift, smile, and flake.

The stomach flu came over me like a vengeance the morning of Dec. 23rd and didn't let up until until I woke up this morning, Dec. 26th. I missed all the Christmas Eve events... the big dinner my sweetie made and enjoying the family who gathered, visiting my mom (she's in an assisted living facility), going to Mass (first time in my life I didn't make it to church for Christmas), tried to be a part of opening gifts with the family but couldn't get through that either. I missed all the Christmas Day festivities with my sweetie's family too. Today the whole family was supposed to be up at a northern Michigan ski resort enjoying a few days of fun playing in the snow on the slopes (and with a camera ;-) I missed it all.

It almost seems like a bad joke. I went through all the holiday stress and work leading up to the big day and then didn't get to enjoy any of it. No Christmas for me this year :-(

I am feeling better today but still quite tired. I'll probably be fine tomorrow.

There is one bright spot in what was an otherwise dark and disappointing Christmas... unlike the rest of you, I lost weight instead of gaining! :-)

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