Welcome to the June 19, 2007 edition of the Carnival of Genealogy. In honor of Father's Day, the topic for this edition is: Dads! We have a wonderful collection of tributes to fathers today, so pour yourself a nice tall glass of iced tea, open the windows so you can feel a summer breeze, and come meet some amazing dads!
Nikki-ann shares two posts, Nikki-ann : Journal : Fathers and Granddad Charlie both posted at Nikki-ann : Journal. The first is a photo blog post of the fathers in her life and the second is a wonderful article about her Granddad. I so enjoy the international flavor the COG gets with articles from bloggers in other countries. In this case, we see that kids and their parents and grandparents aren't so very different the world over. Thanks for sharing Nikki-ann!
Katie presents A Father's Day Tribute to my Ancestors posted at Begat Chat. Here's a line of men to be proud of! Kate shares with us a photo tribute to her dad and granddads. Very nice photos, Kate. Thanks for sharing!
Christina Geyer shares with us a series of four articles, Fathers of Mine: Harlan Martin Geyer Jr, Fathers of Mine: Harlan Martin Geyer Sr., Fathers of Mine: Francis Grant Geyer, and Fathers of Mine: Frank R. Geyer, all posted at Shaking the Tree. Christina has been busy indeed writing tributes to these four men. What a wonderful tribute to these father's of yours, Christina! Each article is warmly written and obviously well researched. Thanks for sharing these men with us. You have certainly done them proud!
Randy Seaver presents Fathers I Have Known posted at Genea-Musings. At first glance this seems like one post but it's really 4... one with links to three others. Read each one and you'll get a glimpse of how Randy became the man he is. And you'll meet some other wonderful men besides! Thanks for sharing, Randy!
Susan A. Kitchens presents 2020 Hindsight » Inheriting Physics posted at 2020 Hindsight, saying, "This is something I wrote and read on the occasion of my grandfather's 100th birthday. (I could have just as easily submitted it for the Who Got The Creative Gene theme) It's about the non-tangibles I inherited from my mother's father, of being a life-long learner. And, it's that inspiration and time spent with him that led to my falling into oral history, which led to my site, which led to my getting to know the geneabloggers." Life-long learning... what a fabulous thing to inherit, Susan. You are indeed fortunate to have that trait to carry on from your grandfather. Here's hoping you carry on his long life span as well. Great article. Great insight. Thanks for sharing!
Ken Spangler presents He Was A Good Man, And A Great Dad! posted at Beyond Fiction. Here's an article about a dad who may not have been the easiest to understand but is certainly appreciated now by his children... written by a man any father would be proud to call "son". Sometimes it takes becoming a parent ourselves to open our eyes to the challenges our parents' faced in raising us. Ken understands. Thanks for sharing this very moving article Ken!
Jasia presents Remembering a Troubled Man Who Adored Me posted at Creative Gene. Some dads are easy to write good things about. Some men are more of a challenge. My dad falls into the latter category. For better or worse, here's my tribute to my dad. Sometimes the understanding comes too late, as in my case. If you've had to live with a difficult parent this post may make you pause and think. I hope so. I created a digital scrapbook page about my dad and it's featured on my Creative Genealogy blog.
Cheryl Schulte presents My Father, The Romantic Car Thief? posted at Two Sides of the Ocean. Just in time to lighten things up a bit we have this article from Cheryl. This one is certain to make you smile and shake your head. It's a great story Cheryl! Thanks for sharing!
Janice Brown presents New Hampshire: Celebrating Father's Day posted at Cow Hampshire. Here's a man I would have fallen for for sure... I love hats and I too was disappointed when women stopped wearing them to church. Gotta love a guy on a bike too! What a charmer! Great article, Janice. Thanks so much for sharing! (BTW, I love your mom's hat in the picture. I have one almost identical to it... if only I had some place to where it where I wouldn't look odd...)
Myrt presents A trip down memory lane with Dad posted at DearMYRTLE, your friend in genealogy. Here's a beautifully recorded trip we all most certainly wish we could take with our fathers. It's a time of sharing memories and making memories... passing one's life experience to the next generation. Very touching. Thanks so much for sharing your trip with your father, Myrt!
Bill West presents DAD posted at West in New England. Bill shares a touching tribute to his father, a hard-working family man. It's a nice piece of writing. I especially liked the ending. You did a nice job of capturing the essence of your father for us, Bill. I feel as though I know him now. Thanks for sharing him with us!
Tim Agazio presents My Father - Louie Agazio (1921-1972) posted at Genealogy Reviews Online. Tim brings up a good point at the beginning of his article. It's sometimes more difficult to find information about someone in the recent past than someone in the more distant past. It's especially difficult to write about a parent who died when you were young. But that didn't stop Tim from writing a warm and wonderful tribute to his father. Very nice job, Tim! Thanks for sharing Louie with us!
Steve Danko presents My Galician Grandfather posted at Steve's Genealogy Blog, saying, "I got a little carried away with the length of this article, but I feel good that I've written something that can be expanded into a more comprehensive biography of my grandfather as I interview family members and fill in the gaps in my knowledge." Steve is the master of recording his ancestors' life events in documents on his blog. Here he takes the bits and pieces of information he has accumulated and combined them into a very nice biography. Thanks for sharing, Steve!
Maven presents There'll Be No Hell For Dogs posted at footnoteMaven. Wow, Maven. You must be stunningly beautiful because your mom and dad sure were! Such a beautifully written piece. It will make everyone wish this guy was their dad too. Thanks for introducing us to him! (You have a way with words too... wonder where you got that? ;-)
Becky Wiseman presents Grandpa Vic posted at kinexxions. If you have a sweet tooth like I do, you'll really enjoy Becky's tribute to her grandfather. He was a candy maker... lots of kinds of candy too! Who wouldn't love that man? Check out Becky's article, it will have you licking your lips! Thanks for sharing, Becky!
David Mills presents The Vice President and His Mulatto posted at Undercover Black Man, saying, "This may not fit precisely with the fatherhood theme. But then again... it kinda does!" Yes, it kinda does at that. This article takes a slightly different tone from the other posts here today but it's a well written and worthy piece none the less. Thanks for sharing with us, David!
That concludes this edition of the Carnival of Genealogy. I hope you enjoyed it! And now it's time for the Call for Submissions! In keeping with the patriotism that typically accompanies the Independence Day holiday on July 4th, the topic for the next edition of the COG will be; What America / Independence Day has meant to my family. I'm intentionally making this vague so you can interpret it as you will. Write about family picnics and fireworks or fighting in the Civil War. Write about the struggle to adapt to a foreign land or the fight for civil rights. Share with us what being in America has meant to your family and submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page. Your hostess for the next edition of the COG will be Becky Wiseman at the kinessions blog! Thanks for hosting Becky! The deadline for submissions is July 1st.
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